Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Glacier National Park 2009 Campgrounds Dates Announced for Glacier National Park

The 2009 operating dates and nightly fee schedule for Glacier National Park’s 13 front country campgrounds are now available. Dates listed represent the first day and the last night of camping for each category.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Send a kid, get a “kid”

We seek your help in assisting families who have experienced a recent employment hardship by providing a scholarship to a child!
  • One hundred percent of your donation goes toward sponsoring a child to camp!
  • You will receive our soft ‘camp kid’ as your gift with sponsorship.
  • The Glacier Institute is a 501(c) 3 and your gift is tax deductible.
Campership levels range from $115 - $375 - Please Send A Kid to Camp Today! Contact us for more information on the Campership Program at 406-755-1211 or register@glacierinstitute.org.
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